Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm Back! (warning, tl;dr ahead)

Wooooooo first week of school is now over, and I'm officially a 2nd year in Sheridan's animation program! So, first on the agenda is updating this place, I haven't posted anything on here in ages and considering that this is pretty much my only online art hub, that's a problem. The new term looks promising, and I immediately felt a sense of artistic purpose return as the week went on; this hopefully means I'll be posting stuff more often : >

Until I come up with some scan-worthy art to show off, please enjoy these photos of my spankin' new desk. This particular desk belonged to my role model 2 years ago, I'm quite proud to have claimed it and then thrown as much crap as I could find onto it. Decorating is presently at: 60% completion!

Oh, the inspiration on my desk includes art from: Glen Keane, Annette Marnat, and Claire Wendling. From deviant art: Chib-bee, Crazydragon, Jubilations and Arnistotle. The toys are there just for fun, if you don't recognize one, feel free to ask.

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