Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Yea, so I met a really talented and awesome first year in my program and we immediately decided to do an art trade. One piece is the subject matter and for her, Luffy is the subject (I'm getting a picture of Boa Hancock, when I get it, I'll be sure to post it along with info on this artist) Anyways here's a sketch I did up this morning; tried to colour it today buut it wasn't turning out all that great and between class and crap weather, it was easier just to cop out and post a scan. I should draw stuff like this more often I thin! It was pretty fun to make fun after all : >


  1. nice sketch, can't wait for the colour!

  2. thanks sash, but no... this one wont be achieving colour : <

  3. Gosh, man. I literally lept off my chair when I saw this post, haha! Luffy looks amaaaziiing in your style! I'm definitely hanging this on the wall above my work desk. :D

  4. glad you like it : > In retrospect I might've asked for Crocodile, but Hancock is cooler! Anywho come by anytime and I'll give you the original
